Table of Contents
The IBPP::Time class represents a time value. It is not an interface class, with automatic smart pointer management like for instance the Database class. It is a plain classical C++ class. Use it to interact easily with TIME (SQL) columns in your databases.
See the file ibpp.h for an up-to-date definition.
A Time is internally made of a simple integer, representing the ten-thousands of seconds elapsed since midnight (00h00m00s0000). Being made only of an integer as its data part, the class Time is a light object which you can use without fear of bulky data structures.
void Clear()
Resets the time to midnight (0).
void Now()
Sets the time to 'now' (local time).
void SetTime(int hour, int minute, int second, int tenthousandths = 0)
Sets the time according to the individual components. The ten-thousandths of second are optional and default to 0 for ease of use.
SetTime(int tm)
Sets the time based on an integer value, as the one internally stored in the time object itself. See the int GetTime() method too.
void GetTime(int& hour, int& minute, int& second)
Gets a time in its basic components hours, minutes, seconds.
void GetTime(int& hour, int& minute, int& second, int&tenthousandths)
Gets a time in its basic components hours, minutes, seconds and ten-thousandths of a second.
int GetTime()
Returns the internal integer representing the time value. Usefull for some time arithmetic.
int Hours(), int Minutes(), int Seconds(), int SubSeconds()
Return the hour, minute, second, subsecond value of the Time. Subseconds are actually ten-thousandths of seconds.
The default constructructor builds an empty time (midnight), same as if Clear() was called on an existing time.
Time(int tm)
Similarly to the SetTime(int) method, this form of the constructor builds a time out of the internal representation of another one.
Time(int hour, int minute, int second, int tenthousandths = 0)
Similarly to the SetTime(int, int, int, int = 0) method, this form of the constructor builds a time our of its basic components (hour, minute, second and optionally ten-thousandths of a second).
Time(const Time&)
Ordinary copy constructor. To make the Time a good citizen of your code.
Time& operator=(const Time&)
To assign a time from another one.
Time& operator=(const Timestamp&)
To assign a time from the time portion of a Timestamp object.
bool operator==(const Time&)
To compare two Times for equality.
bool operator<(const Time&)
To compare if one Time is strictly 'lower' (the time is before) the other.