The IBPP::Statement Interface is used to issue queries and other statements to a database, in the context of a transaction. So, along with IBPP::Database and IBPP::Transaction, it is the core of IBPP. You need at least one instance of each to do anything against the data stored in a database.
See the file ibpp.h for an up-to-date definition of the interface. Lookup the IStatement class.
Like the other building blocks of IBPP, the actual interface class is a pure virtual class (here named IBPP::IStatement). This is the closest thing in C++ to a pure interface concept. The real working object 'behind' (IBPP internals) is derived from this 'contract' class. As long as the signature of this IStatement class does not change, your code is binary compatible with IBPP, even if internal details of the real work-class behind have changed.
As with other IBPP building blocks, you cannot instantiate this class by yourself (due to its pure virtual methods). You also can't derive your own class from this one, due to the protected constructor and destructor. You have to get an instance from IBPP through the corresponding Factory function call.
StatementFactory is used to build and get access to a Statement object.
Statement StatementFactory(Database db, Transaction tr, const std::string& sql); Statement StatementFactory(Database db, Transaction tr);
You need a connected database and a started transaction to get a statement object.
Prepares a SQL statement for later (eventually repeated) execution. You can prepare a new statement at any time (after execution of another one for instance). A statement object can be re-used for different sql statements as long as the database is connected and the transaction started.
Executes the statement either:
Both these forms of Execute() are suitable for any statements including those returning a result set or a single row.
This is a shortcut path to execute a statement that bypasses some steps and uses another Firebird API targeted at such “executes this and forget about it” tasks. This is traditionally used for submitting DDL statements to Firebird.
ExecuteImmediate() can only be used for statements not returning a result set.
These are special forms of the Execute() methods, taking an additional initial parameter, a cursor name. Like their Execute() counterparts, they execute the statement, but attach it to the context a new 'cursor' whose name is specified. This special form is only valid for SELECT statements ending in 'FOR UPDATE' are meant to allow to reference the current row position using the syntax WHERE CURRENT OF 'cursor' in later UPDATES statements. You really should read the Firebird documentation about this.
After a successful execution of a statement, returns the number of rows which were affected by the statement. This is only valid for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. You cannot use this to get the number of rows a SELECT will return. The optimisation design of Firebird makes this information unavailable. The rows (and so their count) are NOT known until you actually fetch them.
Returns an enumeration constant to indicate the kind of statement which was prepared or executed.
The STT enumeration provides constants to identify the type of statement : stUnknown, stUnsupported, stSelect, stInsert, stUpdate, stDelete, stDDL, stExecProcedure, stSelectUpdate, stOther.
Returns the last SQL statement which was prepared or executed.
Returns the PLAN computed by the engine for the execution of the statement.
Closes a statement (free its resources). This is only useful if you want to immediately free such resources before re-using later this same statement object. In all cases, the resources management is all automatic using IBPP.
After a successul Execute() or CursorExecute(), use Fetch() to retrieve rows of the result set, one at a time. You have to call Fetch() to access your result set (when you expect one) even though your result set is known to consist of a single row.
Fetch() returns true as long as it actually fetched a new row. It returns false when there are no more new rows to fetch.
When a row has been put in context by calling Fetch(), you can read its columns through the Get() methods.
Test wether a column, identified either by position (counted from 1) or by name, is a SQL NULL. Returns true when the column IS NULL, false if there is a value.
There is a whole collection of these Get methods, one for each type supported by IBPP. You should read the article on type conversions to discover what type in your C++ code is compatible with what SQL type.
can be any of: bool, std::string, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float, double, Timestamp, Date, Time, DBKey, Blob, Array.
When the column is NULL (no value), the variable is left intact (unchanged) and the method returns true to signal the NULL.
Get the position of a column in the row, from its name.
Get the name of a column.
Get the alias name of a column.
Get the table name of a column.
Get the SQL data type of a column.
Get the column size.
Get the scaling factor of a NUMERIC/DECIMAL column.
Get the number of columns in the result set.
There is a whole collection of these Set methods, one for each type supported by IBPP. You should read the article on type conversions to discover what type in your C++ code is compatible with what SQL type.
is the integer position, counted from 1, of the parameter to set.
can be any of: bool, std::string, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float, double, Timestamp, Date, Time, DBKey, Blob, Array.
These methods are used to set the parameters of a statement, after prepare and before execute.
st->Prepare("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE this_column = ?"); st->Set(1, "abc"); st->Execute();
You might wonder why IBPP will agree to set any parameter to SQL NULL (through SetNull()
) even though the column eventually corresponding to an input parameter is defined NOT NULL? Well, because of triggers. A trigger might be ready to accept a NULL for a NOT NULL column, turning it to some NON NULL value before the actuel INSERT or UPDATE (for instance) happens. Note that this is a new, more correct behaviour, starting with IBPP version 2.5.
Get the SQL data type of a parameter to a statement.
Get the SQL data subtype of a parameter to a statement.
Get the SQL size of a parameter to a statement.
Get the scaling factor of a NUMERIC/DECIMAL parameter to a statement.
Get the number of parameters of a prepared statement.
Used to get easy access to the Database and Transaction this Statement is linked to.